Monday 28 September 2009

Fish curry cooked in coconut

I I am often asked when do I find time to cook from scratch. They say they don't have the time. I
am amazed at the junk food people will eat, strange looking sauces with untold additives.Why cant they see that by the time they have called for a takeaway they could have made this dish ,full of flavour and additive free .This is a really easy dish that can be prepared in 20minutes.

.I have adapted a few things. I find lots of people like fish without bones. I ,on the other hand, love the fish with bones ,most people in Seychelles use fish with the bone.It makes the sauce have depth.For that reason I do this dish with filleted fish . Any white fish, . I prefer to buy my fish from my fishmonger.We often go to billingsgate I buy fresh fish, from the Indian ocean and fillet it myself. I love eating fish that my parents ate in Seychelles it makes the dish authentic .
It's very difficult to find a fishmonger as supermarkets are forcing small business's to go under as they cannot compete with supermarket prices. They have changed the face of our high streets, dozens of one pound shops,.every high street have become carbon copies .Its very sad.We no longer chat to the butcher,baker, fishmonger buying food has become a lonely one.
Ok, rant over.
3 garlic cloves,
3 green finger chilli's
5cm/2in piece of ginger, peeled
3tbsp of sunflower/ groundnut oil
1 small onion, finely sliced
5-6 curry leaves. (these are become easy to source they can be found in most supermarkets)
1/4 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp salt
200ml coconut milk
155ml boiling water
500g of any fish fillet; pomfret haddock,pollack,snapper,cut into 4cm/2in wide pieces
1 Place garlic, chillies and ginger together in a food processor until smooth.
2, Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion with the curry leaves for a few minutes over a medium heat.You want them softened.
3. Add the garlic, chilli and ginger mixture with turmeric and salt. Fry for a few minutes, then add 200ml coconut milk with 155ml boiling water.
4. Simmer for 8 minutes then add the fish pieces and gently simmer. The sauce should reduce and thicken.
5. Check the seasoning.When the fish is to liking serve with rice and salad
I love these recipes of my childhood it connects me to my family, sharing the same way of preparation ,using the same fish. Very comforting,
Serve with rice and a salad.

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