Peppers - Seychelles 2004
Originally uploaded by Jon - This photo from flickr( click on the photo for link)shows the perfect chillies from seychelles as my parents would use. I'm not sure that this was legal but whenever by parents went home this in fact was every year, they would always return with a bag filled with with this trio of colours, these chillies are really hot. My dad would have as any foodie a grin from ear to ear, knowing that pretty soon he would be able to tuck into the chillies grown in the family home.Whenever we ate there was always a jar of either pickled chillies( piment confit) or else a homemade chilli sauce in which these chillies are chopped with onions,parsley, garlic, lemon, oil and wine vinegar. Served as a condiment much in the way my children use tomato sauce.Even when we would have a an evening filled with wine (which in my home is very often), my dad would eat a chilli dipped in salt ,lemon much in the way a shot of tequila is taken. So, it seemed appropiate that we should make a jar of piment confit. This recipe is not one that has exact measurements all these depend on the jar you use, the size of chillies.
Piment confit
As many chillies that fill 3/4 fill an empty jam jar,(these chillies are easily obtained from any indian grocer)Ensure that the chillies are in perfect condition blemish free.
white vinegar again enough to fill the jar,
salt now this should be 1/3 of the quanity of the chillies
Wash all the chillies and discard any that are not intact.Remove the stalks.
Sterlise the jam jars i nuke mine in the microwave or in the oven.
Place the piments in the jar.
Pour in the salt ,shake a little to disperse the salt evenly,
Fill the jar with the vinegar.Shake.
To allow the flavours to develop leave in a sunny postion for a minumum of a week, the longer they are kept the better. Eat with everything you think needs spicing up!!!
I love chilli's I have to make this, your Seychelles recipes and blog are opening up a whole new world of food :)
Went to the Seychelles some two decades ago and fell in love with the pimen. Tried googling but had no luck. Could even try to grow my own if I got some seeds. Do you have any idea where you can get them from?
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